Feature Release 6.1 & Znuny LTS 6.0.36
Web services for everybody!
Welcome - Znuny 6.1 and Znuny LTS 6.0.36
Our first own feature release Znuny 6.1 ist available today.
As we announced in our roadmap Roadmap, we focussed on web services and the integration of third party systems.
Before we go into detail here is some information beforehand:
The ITSM packages go along with the release of version 6.1.2. Next to the day-to-day business we are currently missing the resources to integrate and test these packages fully. The more known packages such as FAQ, SystemMonitoring etc. are to follow as well.
The current release includes add-ons which are primarily from our existing Znuny packages.
Other than the add-ons we also included pull requests from the community and security fixes which have been undertaken. The changes can be found in the respective changelog: Znuny LTS / Znuny.
Details regarding the security fixes can be found in the Advisories. Thanks to the community for the great work!
The details of the changes and configurations can be found in our new documentation. This documentation includes all new points which are expanded upon with every release. As of right now we can only provide the documentation in english. Should someone want to help us with the translations he or she can do so soon via our Weblate.
Translations for Znuny, Znuny LTS and other add-ons can be found in our weblate as well. Support is welcome at all times.
New Features:
Web Services:
- Ticket-Invoker to send ticket-data to other systems
- Time-accounting per article can be requested via web service (TimeAccountingWebservice)
- Dynamic fields support queries via web services (DynamicFieldWebservice)
- Articles can be sent as an e-mail via Generic-Interface (GIArticleSend)
- Web service support for GenericAgent
- Expanded mapping for complex structures including hiding certain files via the configuration
- Webservice support for process management
- Extension of the XSLT support
- NTLM authentification for web services
- "Tunnel"-Invoker that sends data unchanged to third party systems
- Base64-Encoding-Support
- Authentification via HTTP header with new headers: X-OTRS-Header-(UserLogin|CustomerUserLogin|SessionID|Password)
- Support for additional HTTP header for outgoing requests
General Adjustments:
- Previously viewed views (Tickets, Views, etc.) can be invoked quickly via a menu (LastViews)
- Allocation and management of dynamic fields has been simplified (AdvancedDynamicFields)
- When changes ocur, dynamic fields that are of the type "Date" and "Date and Time" are automatically changed as well (AutoCheckbox)
- Date and time are only displayed when a "wait" state has been selected (ShowPendingTimeIfNeeded)
Security-Fixes (Feature and LTS)
Please see our advisories section for security related information.
Znuny LTS
Hints for the upgrade to Znuny 6.1
Users using the ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6 or Znuny LTS cam follow the upgrade path for the update.
Users that use OTRS/ ((OTRS)) Community Edition < version 6 and want to update have to first update to the ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6 or Znuny LTS.
Existing add-ons for version 6.1 have to be provided by the developer. There is a good chance that these can be carried over 1:1. Still, add-ons for version 6 cannot simply be added into version 6.1 due to their structure. Tests for these addons are still required and if needed updates have to be made for certain addons.
Znuny vs. Znuny LTS
The question of the future or the status of Znuny vs. Znuny LTS reaches us through all channels.
That's why we explain it here again.
Znuny and Znuny LTS are both free, open source, and freely available on GitHub. That's not going to change.
Znuny LTS is the branch that will be maintained until December 31, 2022 without any functional changes and only with bug and security fixes.
From day one, Znuny LTS was intended as a transitional solution to provide security for existing users after the end of the OTRS Community Edition was announced.
Znuny (without "LTS") is the branch that gets new functions and will also break with the compatibility of existing add-ons. This branch is constantly being developed. The release cycle is a bit different here. The version 6.1 that has now been released will be followed very soon by version 6.2 after one or the other patch level update. As soon as the respective successor version has appeared, the corresponding previous version is no longer supported, not even with bug or security fixes. Znuny LTS is excluded from this as described above.
Your Znuny Team
Enjoy the new release.