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Znuny Professional Services

The ((OTRS)) Community Edition Fork with long-term Support (LTS)


Znuny 7.0.10 (2023-08-23)

This release contains fixes for bugs and security vulnerabilities and some enhancements.


Typ / URL MD5 Summe
Source .tar.gz a1da9b6682405baccd6c952b6fbe16f6
Source .bz2 840c4486ae59e3fe26bff5d6fd493c25
Source .zip 0615d06a9f8440bcac724ab1d1a5fd53
RPM RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 7906b0646ab9aa236249591e20d08347
RPM SuSE 12 47b024e01cdbf6e90e3b4a16546003f7
RPM SuSE 13 212aacc74f07ef9859b8e7debf666107
RPM Fedora 25 256e7615dd35a75e797c22c68cf838c9
RPM Fedora 26 55908b643e561be50bbccd41370c0314
SRPM RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 b698ab2d9fe93df9cebf07d05ff28050
SRPM SuSE 12 f0bb210485d8b0f664c269410188a4ba
SRPM SuSE 13 978378e063443d31238e5f41fd52b595
SRPM Fedora 25 d42a906c5da2076292ab3e445427bf5d
SRPM Fedora 26 7bbde04f9c3f3f9c8c40afa546b74c0e