Znuny 6.4.3 and Znuny LTS 6.0.46
We are happy to announce the release of Znuny 6.4.3, in this patch-level release.
New features
Downloading and reimporting your OAuth token configuration file to change the URLs is no longer necessary. The URLs can be edited like the Client ID in the admin interface.
In addition to using an OAuth token to fetch e-mails, it's now possible to authenticate against external web services when consuming them.
The mentioned features were enhanced with several new functions: blacklisting certain groups, limiting the amount of mentioned users who belongs to large groups, and many more.
Integrated Pull Requests
Our community works hard to help support the project, and here are some o. the requests which we've integrated:
- Added optional search parameters to ticket full-text search in the toolbar GitHub PR #284, Tim Püttmanns, maxence
- "Exact customer ID" as a search field for the ticket search GitHub PR #175, Renée Bäcker
- Improved backup.pl script for MySQL/MariaDB users GitHub PR #136, meisterheister
- Improved logging for LDAP requests in customer backends GitHub PR #178, Paweł Bogusławski
- Bugfixes and new functionality in the customer information center (CIC) s GitHub PR #147, Kevin Janssen
Find more pull requests at GitHub.
Fixed Issues
- Time Accounting now working properly on the bulk screen
- Dynamic Fields are no longer automatically checked when displayed on the bulk screen
- OutOfOffice web service operation now honors the out-of-office in all parameter combinations
- Mentions do not trigger multiple times now when in quoted messages
- Mentions are now only limited to the agent interface
- All attachments can be selected in the web service invoker again
- Updated some Javascript functions to prevent infinite loops in rare situations
- Fixed usage of standard template in process management
Invitation for Customer Meet-up
We would like to invite anyone interested to a meeting with, Shawn Beasley, Community Manager, for a 6.4 feature highlight and discussion round. RSVP via https://znuny.rocks/8CmlS
One more look at the upcoming dashboard

Regarding the LTS version 6.0.46 see our release notes.