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Znuny Professional Services

The ((OTRS)) Community Edition Fork with long-term Support (LTS)

Selective notifications: level-up your automatic replies.

Automatic replies limit the options and filters available for sending specific responses to customers when new tickets are created. They are one size fits all. The setting SendNoAutoResponseRegExpTicket, is a blacklist option which needs to be replaced before moving away from auto-replies. Once this hurdle has been overcome, you can enhance your automatic replies with precise rules and notifications through ticket notifications.

Replicating the auto-reply while excluding the senders originally found in SendNoAutoResponseRegExpTicket.

  1. Create the dynamic field (Checkbox) SendReply.
  2. Create a new ticket notifcation to replace the automatic reply with the customer as the recipient.
  3. Set the ticket filter on the notifaction to look for the SendReply check box, and optianlly the queue.
  4. Disable the auto-reply for the desired queues.

Example Postmaster Filter.

Name: "send reply" - This is the name of the filter or rule being created or edited.

Match Header: This dropdown allows selecting different email headers to filter by.

From: This header specifies that the filter will check the "From" field of incoming emails.
for value: "shawn|roy" - This is the value that the "From" field must match for the rule to be applied. In this case, it is looking for emails  including "shawn" or "roy" in from.

Note: Choose the not checkbox to negate the exepression.

Set Headers: This dropdown allows selecting different email headers to set.

X-OTRS-DynamicField-SendReply: This is a specific email header being checked by the filter.
with value: "1" - This is the value that the "X-OTRS-DynamicField-SendReply" header must have for the rule to be applied.


Thorough Testing:

  • Conduct comprehensive testing of the new configuration in a controlled environment before full deployment.
  • Ensure all filters and dynamic fields work as intended to avoid disruptions in customer communication.
    Training Programs:
    By moving away from traditional automatic replies and adopting selective notifications, organizations can significantly improve the accuracy and relevance of their customer communications, enhancing overall service quality and efficiency.