Mastering Postmaster Filters: Keeping Ticket States Intact!
Discover the secret to preserving ticket states even in the face of follow-up emails. Learn how to use the powerful X-OTRS-FollowUp-Keep-State = True configuration for exceptional cases. Dive into the step-by-step guide and unleash the full potential of this feature!
Keep State Postmaster Filter
In certain use cases, keeping the state of a ticket when receiving a follow-up may be appropriate. By default, any follow-up will trigger a status change to the state open PostmasterFollowUpState. This is by design only and in some exceptional use cases, and you want to avoid follow-up emails changing the state of a ticket. Therefore, you can use the X-OTRS-FollowUp-Keep-State = True. This is generally used when parsing subjects for the typical out-of-office replies. But it can be much more powerful with a little configuration. Let's look
In this case, we will discuss keeping the state of any ticket unless the ticket is closed. The challenge here is that the postmaster filter needs to be made aware of the state of the ticket. Now, you could write a postmaster post filter, but you can also configure it as a regular postmaster filter.

You will need a dynamic field of type dropdown. The name is irrelevant, but you should add Customer and Default as keys and values. One postmaster filter should match the To field of the mail, in our case, ".*" to match any address. Then, you will set X-OTRS-FollowUp-Keep-State = True and X-OTRS-FollowUp-DynamicField-Name = Customer. When any email is received, the state will not be changed.

If the ticket is closed, you will need a generic agent to reset the state and trigger field. The trigger is TicketDynamicFieldUpdate_Name. The ticket filter is state = "closed successful","closed unsuccessful" (or any other states you want to re-open), and the Dynamic Field Name = "Customer". Set the value State = "open" and Dynamic Field Name = "Default".

Next, you require a generic agent to match all states except the closed states and the Dynamic Field Name = "Customer". Here, just set Dynamic Field Name = Default". These states will be kept.

Mastering the art of preserving ticket states in Znuny can greatly enhance workflow efficiency. By utilizing the X-OTRS-FollowUp-Keep-State = True configuration, you can strategically manage exceptional cases without unnecessary status changes. With a well-structured dynamic field setup and carefully configured postmaster filters and generic agents, you can effortlessly keep ticket states intact. This newfound skill will undoubtedly streamline your ticket management process and contribute to a more seamless customer support experience.